BPG offer a wide range of renewable solutions to UK business with one single aim – to save our clients money on their current energy spend

Major benefits to our customers in this uncertain economic climate are

  • To reduce our clients’ energy bills
  • Lower customer overhead burdens at the same time

What investment is required?

Absolutely none, no investment is needed from you as we already have over £100 Million of private investments in place to fund our energy projects over the next 2-year period

Zero-capital cost to the client

Our major USP is that we supply a range of renewable solutions on a zero-capital cost basis

Unrivalled Experience combined with an excellent reputation

Through our network of trusted energy partners’, we have over 25 years of experience in the renewable industry and have an enviable track-record of deliverance over the same period

Receive Comprehensive Training

All our partners receive comprehensive sales training and can be confident in the knowledge that back-up and support is readily available

Access New Markets

With our internal sales support we are able to supply you with numerous good quality enquiries from our extensive sales and marketing activities

Achieving your financial goals

BPG is able to offer very lucrative earnings potential to our carefully chosen partners

The way forward

For more detailed information and to discuss the best way forward please contact BPG today for an informal discussion or to arrange an appointment

Ask about our wide range of renewable energy solutions
all with ZERO Capital Costs

Email zerocapitalcost@britishpowergroup.co.uk or call 01652 681 883