Photovoltaic Energy

UK energy costs are spiralling, and concern and unrest are sweeping the country, with businesses now more than ever needing to get ahead of the game. It means embracing new technology and switching to greener methods.

We know from our experience in chatting with customers that they are typically seeing their energy spend increasing to around 30p, and we expect this to rise to 40p, perhaps even 50p by the end of 2022. It’s an outrage. It’s not sustainable for businesses to survive and we need to stop this now.

Reassuringly, in sharp contrast, did you know that by installing solar panels, you will lock in energy rates at around 13.5p?

We don’t need to say this is a really significant saving. Not to mention it’s that peace of mind we need in the current climate. Solar energy rates only increase by the RPI rate of around 3.25%, not by the inflation rate, so they will always be substantially cheaper than other energy sources. Plus, they offer a tangible way to drastically reduce those CO2 emissions.

The team here cannot champion them enough. Solar panels provide clean, efficient and cost-effective energy that will reduce your carbon footprint and get those staggering costs under control. Of course, for some businesses they may not be an option due to building or contractual limitations, but it never hurts to get an assessment, and this is something that can be done as easily as with a desktop analysis once the readings have been obtained. In a few quick steps you can see just how much energy and money you can save.

We often hear comments that indicate a misconception that solar energy is all well and good but costly to instal. The reality couldn’t be further away. It is possible to have solar panels at zero capital cost, something we specialise in with fully funded solutions for businesses of all sizes. We have an establish network of funders in place to help make green energy and cost savings a reality.

Discover more details about solar energy.

There are other ways to reduce energy consumption and costs if solar panels are not an option, or perhaps as a reinforcement if they are. Here we are referring to voltage optimisation, something we have seen a sharp increase in demand for in recent months. Read through our case studies on how successful this can be.

This star equipment can breathe new life into the way you use energy and have a serious impact on reducing your costs, making operations so much more planet-friendly in the process.

With Voltage Optimisation typical savings are around 10% on our customers’ total electricity costs per annum. This clever piece of equipment will also help cut your CO2 emissions. An assessment of your energy output will ascertain whether are exceeding the level you actually need. In which case the Voltage Optimiser can be installed to adjust your output to the most cost-effective level.

Do your research, switch those alarm bells off, and use this pivotal time to get your costs under control and work sustainability into your business operations’ framework.

Keep an eye on our news feeds for all the latest, and you can also follow us on LinkedIn.

For further details on how to charge up your income opportunities and appease your eco-conscience, email or telephone 01652 681 883